Crab Fire Agate Healing Qualities, meanings and uses, including the associated Chakra, the Crystal System, Application/Use, Zodiac Affinity and associated Folklore.

Crab Fire Agate

2nd Chakra Symbol

2nd or Sacral Chakra
Color of orange
Sanskrit: Swadhisthana

Crab Fire Agate stimulates, balances and heals womens reproductive system. Helps alleviate premenstrual syndrome, irregular cycles and cramps. Aids in creativity of all sorts, raises moods, warms and brings the ability to experience pleasure. Promotes nurturing of self and others, provides the ability to change and helps to establish healthy boundaries.

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Crystal System...

Crab Fire Agate is a type of Spiderweb Carnelian Agate. As such, it shares the properties of Carnelian. This stone emerged a couple of years ago as "fire agate". To avoid confusion with true fire agate which is rare and very expensive (about $500 for a quarter-sized piece), it is now increasingly being referred to as "crab fire agate".

Crab Fire Agate has a glowing rusty orange color with scattered veins of gray to white. Rather than having the distinctive banded appearance of many agates, Crab Fire Agate has a "crackled" look. The web-like pattern of white crackles is actually created via heat treatment, which also produces a color enhancement giving them their fiery orange and red coloring.

Crab Fire Agate has a trigonal crystal system and is the mineral class of oxide in the quartz group. It is a form of Chalcedony that contains iron and is formed in areas of alkaline and acid volcanic rock out of magmatic silicic acid solutions that contain iron.

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Crab Fire Agate may be used or worn for long periods of time. And being an agate, it will intensify the energies of other stones.

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Crab Fire Agate promotes steadfastness and will encourage a spirit of community. It will assist in making us willing to help, become idealistic and to stand up for a good cause.


Crab Fire Agate will bring steadfastness and courage. Not a risky heroic courage, but an everyday type of courage to stand up to difficulties. It also lifts our emotions.


Crab Fire Agate will assist us in solving problems quickly and pragmatically. It will help to bring actions that are started to a proper conclusion and bring a sense of reality whenever you are feeling confused.


Crab Fire Agate can stimulate the absorption of vitamins, nutrients and minerals in the small intestine which will improve the quality of your blood. It will also ensure a good blood supply to organs and tissues. It has been known to alleviate rheumatism and to stimulate the metabolism.

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Zodiac Affinity...

Crab Fire Agate has special affinities with Aries, Leo, Virgo and Capricorn. It has a Projective Energy, its Planet is the Sun and its Element is Fire.

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Because this one is a "new" development in gems available to us there is no history on it. So, I'm providing what is known for Carnelian.

Armenians of the 17th century believed that if the Carnelian was powdered and taken in a potion that it would ban all dark forebodings as well as excite joyous emotions. It is also mentioned in the Christian Bible as being used for ornamentation on breastplates for priests and soldiers.

Carnelian was also worn on the hand in ancient Egypt to still anger, jealosy, envy and hatred. In Renaissance magic, Carnelian was engraved with a sword or an image of a warrior and used as an amulet to guard homes from lightening and storms or to protect the wearer from enchantments.

It has been noted that if a person dreams of Carnelian it is said to portend an impending problem. It is also said to be the gem of guardian angel Hamatiel.

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