What Is Kambamba Jasper

What is Kambamba Jasper? All the planetary retrogrades and eclipses seem to be finished for the year now. Much has been exposed to the light of day. This stone is another one I’ve seen around for a while, but had not spent time working with. And spoiler alert, yes I’mContinue Reading

Mercury Retrogrades, the good and bad of them

What Does Mercury Actually Take Care of or Govern? Mercury rules every kind of communication. This would include speaking, listening, learning, reading, editing, researching, negotiating, selling, and buying. It also rules all types of formal contracts, agreements and documents, including things like book manuscripts or term papers, deeds, contracts, leases,Continue Reading

Exhale and Just Let It Go

Exhale and Just Let It Go, it was time. We stood at the cemetery, just my baby sister and myself. It was odd being there again. My last visit had been at about 16 or 17 when my dad took me there to learn how to drive. His comment whenContinue Reading