Gemstone Boxes and Kits
I have put together custom healing gemstone kits for many purposes. To work with your Chakras, stones that work best with your Zodiac Sign, Wheel of the Year Kits and some others for more specific intentions.
Balance Your Chakras
Get Energized Again
Everything you need to balance, clear and align your Chakra energy centers.
Zodiac Gem Kits
Stones with Your Sign in Mind
Custom created gem kits for all the signs of the zodiac. Each includes custom affirmation.
Treasure Boxes
New Gem Featured Each Month!
Mystic Wolf Subscription Treasure Boxes always contain 6 to 8 items with a new gem featured each month.
Wheel of the Year
Celebrate all 8 Holidays
New box for each holiday in the Wheel of the Year. Every holiday has a unique assortment of stones, an easy to follow ritual and lots of other goodies. Limited quantities.
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My place to write and post about varied artistic topics, thoughts of a spiritual nature, and things I like or find interesting. I've set no limits on what I will chat about. View All >>>
Upcoming Events
Healing Sessions With Sue
Tarot with Faye On 3rd Saturdays
Usui Reiki Level 2 Class
newly added crystals, gems, fresh off the bench jewelry and other cool things