Eye of Shiva Shells

The Shiva Eye Shell comes from a specific type of snail found off the coast of Thailand.  It is the Operculum, or the “trap door” of the shell the snail goes in and out of. These little lovelies wash up upon the shore where locals and craftsmen pick them up. GenerallyContinue Reading

Spring Cleaning

It is the traditional time of year to be doing some Spring Cleaning. Let’s all try to keep in mind to not throw the baby out with the bath water! When Concentrating On One Thing… I think it is a natural instinct when concentrating on an area we want toContinue Reading

Water Blessing to Heal the Planet

This is the Kotodama (spiritual power of words) that Dr. Nobuo Shioya created for peace on earth. March 11, 2011 is when the massive earthquake, massive tsunami and nuclear plant accident occurred. Each month, at noon on the 11th, your local time, please say the following words called “The GrandContinue Reading