Auralite 23 is one I had not had an opportunity to play with until now. When I first held several of them the energy was confusing to me. Drifting from one feeling to another. Settling here and there but not staying concentrated on any one effect for long. Since I am usually able to hone in pretty quick on a gem, I was puzzled, intrigued and curious to sort out what I was experiencing.
Chakra Association

Auralite 23 is primarily associated with the 7th or Crown Chakra. It is located at the top of the head, governs our ability to connect with higher realms and gain insight, which aligns well with Auralite 23’s properties of spiritual growth and insight. By working with Auralite 23, individuals can learn to enhance their spiritual awareness, achieve mental clarity, and foster a deeper connection with their higher self.
Elemental Association

While it is beneficial to many areas of our life, after working with this one, I would have to say, for myself, it mainly had the Element of Air due to its many healing abilities that work at the mental level:
- Auralite 23 a good choice for those seeking to improve their cognitive function, mental well-being, and overall clarity of mind.
- It can sharpen the mind, improving focus and concentration. It can be beneficial for those who need to stay mentally alert and organized, particularly during tasks that require sustained attention.
- Auralite 23 has the ability to clear mental fog and confusion. It can help users achieve clarity of thought, making it easier to solve problems, make decisions, and understand complex situations.
- It also is thought to have a calming effect on the mind, reducing mental stress and anxiety. It can help quiet the mind, making it easier to relax and maintain a peaceful mental state.
Emotional Healing
Hold on for the ride! Auralite 23 is much more complex than just working at mental levels! Emotionally it has a calming and soothing energy. This can assist in emotional healing. It helped release old emotional patterns, healed emotional wounds, and brought about emotional balance. It seems to be particularly effective for dealing with stress, anxiety, or emotional trauma.
Spiritual Healing
Auralite 23 can also facilitate deep spiritual growth, helping us connect with our higher consciousness and inner truth. It was a good aid used in meditation as it seemed to enhance spiritual awareness and promoted a sense of peace and unity.
Zodiac Affinity
Auralite 23 is not specifically tied to any single zodiac sign, but it is often associated with several signs due to its versatile and powerful energy. The three signs most commonly linked with Auralite 23 are:
Aquarius: Auralite 23 resonates with Aquarians’ innovative and forward-thinking nature, helping them tap into higher consciousness and spiritual insight. It enhances their natural ability to think outside the box and encourages intellectual growth.
Pisces: This crystal supports the intuitive and compassionate qualities of Pisces. It can help Pisceans deepen their spiritual awareness and connect with their inner wisdom, providing emotional balance and healing.
Leo: For Leos, Auralite 23 can assist in balancing their dynamic energy, encouraging self-reflection, and promoting spiritual growth. It helps them channel their leadership qualities with greater clarity and purpose.
While these are the primary zodiac signs associated with Auralite 23, the crystal’s energy is considered universal, making it beneficial for individuals of any sign who are seeking spiritual growth, emotional healing, or mental clarity.
Summing it up, Auralite 23 is a powerful crystal with transformative energy, that helps us achieve deep spiritual growth and self-discovery. It promotes inner harmony by balancing emotions and relieving stress, making it a valuable tool for emotional healing. Mentally, Auralite 23 enhances focus, clarity, and calmness, allowing for better concentration and decision-making. The crystal is also surrounded by a lot of modern folklore, portraying it as a guardian of higher realms and a harmonizer of energies, adding to its mystique and appeal in healing and spiritual practices.
Whether for yourself or helping others, the complex makeup of this one works across a whole realm of issues and would be a great addition to your healing basket.
Did this one resonate with you? Read about more of its qualities following this link.
Check out available Auralite 23 items by clicking this link.