Blue Lace Agate Pebble Bracelets


Blue Lace Agate Pebble Bracelets made with natural Blue Lace Agate Gemstone Beads. Strung on heavy duty stretch cord.

Size: Stretchy, one size fits all. Approx.  2″ inner diameter, beads are 4-12 x 4-8mm (shapes vary).

5th or Throat Chakra
Sanscrit: Vishudda

Blue Lace Agate provides easier self-expression, aids in speaking out and validating one’s own emotional truths. Offers courage and aids in shyness. Clears the throat chakra, programs the etheric body for creative work, soothes and calms, opens the voice.

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Blue Lace Agate Pebble Bracelets

Blue Lace Agate has a Trigonal crystal system and is in the mineral class of oxide, the quartz group. Its coloring is pale blue with lighter, sometimes almost white, lacy patterns and bands.

Agates are formed hydrothermally in silicic acid-poor volcanic rock. The hot silicic acid solutions accumulate in hollow spaces formed by gas bubbles in cooling lava. As the solutions cool, they solidify into a quartz mix, deposited layer by layer on the walls of the hollow spaces. Its banding is made of the most varied combinations of crystal quartz, chalcedony and jaspers. Whenever the agate fills an entire hollow, it is called an “agate almond”. If a hollow remains in the center, it is called an “agate geode”.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 1 in


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