Howlite Adjustable Bracelets


Howlite Adjustable Bracelets. All natural Howlite Beaded Bracelets made with macramé Nylon Cord.

Size: adjustable 2″ and up inner diameter, beads: 8 x 5mm and 6mm.

7th or Crown Chakra
Sanscrit: Sahasrara

Howlite can mask or unmask delusion and illusion in one’s life. Aids in creating or dissolving masks and costumes on the mental level. Helps prevent tearing down your reality to create a deception. Expands consciousness and refuses limitations. However, it can be used positively or negatively as an escape for yourself, honestly, or dishonestly towards others.

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Howlite Adjustable Bracelets

Howlite has a monoclinic crystal system and is in the mineral class of hydrous borates. Its coloring is white with gray streaks. It is found as nodules embedded in clay of borax deposits in California. Nova Scotia has similar, but smaller nodules in gypsum beds.

Howlite has a soft structure and is easily dyed. The most common coloring for those purposes is blue, trying to appear to be turquoise. For many years, it was substituted for and sold as turquoise, but generally is now marketed with the name of Turquenite (or derivitives). Some claim that the dyed versions carry the same properties for healing as Turquoise. While there may be some similarities, generally I have found them to both be quite different.