Psychic Self Defense
Discover some of the ‘symptoms’: Have you ever suffered from terrible headaches with no known cause? Or perhaps aches and pains that come and go for no reason and doctors are unable to help you? Ever experienced a sudden, significant loss of energy? Ever experienced chronic fatigue or getting easily tired for no physical reason? Ever experience difficulty in concentrating or loss of constant focus? Have you experienced sleep disturbances or excessive anxiety? Have you ever become irritable, short tempered or fallen into a depressed mood, or even had impaired memory?
We will cover:
- What exactly IS a psychic attack?
- Symptoms of a psychic attack
- Types of psychic attacks
- Know who you are spiritually ‘talking’ to and who to trust
- How to protect yourself
- How to clear spaces
- Session ends with a short guided protection meditation which will also cut cords to previous attachments
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