White Loose Leaf Sage


USDA Organic logoWhite Loose Leaf Sage that has been hand gathered from an organic growing area on the west coast. Comes in a labeled, resealable, 1 oz. cellophane pouch.

Qualities: Gender is Masculine, Planet is Jupiter, Element is Air, Powers are Purification, healing, cleansing, protection, and driving away negative or malevolent forces.

Herbs and roots should never be ingested, inhaled, or otherwise used on or in one’s body without first consulting a doctor or herbal professional.

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SKU: HERB-WhiteLooseLeaf Category:


White Loose Leaf Sage that has been hand gathered from an organic growing area on the west coast. Comes in a labeled, resealable, 1 oz. cellophane pouch.

Watching the smoke swirl to the sky is a visualization of carrying our thoughts, prayers or well wishes to our version of the Divine. We can also watch as it dissolves negative, unwanted, or energies just no longer needed, sinking them down to be cleared by the earth

While many different types of herbs and plants can be used, white sage is probably the most popular here in the states. This is mainly due to about 2,000 years of Native American traditions. Shamans threw dried sage onto ritual fires as a way to call to their ancestors. When a person walked through the smoke, conflicts, anger and illness would be absorbed by the smoke. This releases negative energies and cleared a persons energy field.

Herbs and roots should never be ingested, inhaled, or otherwise used on or in one’s body without first consulting a doctor or herbal professional.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 2 in


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