Faden Quartz Healing Qualities, meanings and uses, including the associated Chakra, the Crystal System, Application/Use, Zodiac Affinity and associated Folklore.

7th or Crown Chakra
Color of purple
Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Faden Quartz is a good choice to use if you have been experimenting with astral travel. This type of crystal is a valuable aid in strengthening your 'cord' and protecting you on your flight. It is also one being used for protection by those who travel by air, especially as a career.
Crystal System...
Faden Quartz has a trigonal crystal system and is in the mineral class of oxides. It is formed in passages or hydrothermally in druses or clefts from a pure, silicic acid solution that contains no foreign substances.
Correctly pronounced as 'fay-den,' its name comes from a German word that translates as 'thread'. Many of you may already have a Faden Quartz crystal and just not have known it. On viewing, they appear to be like white fibers flowing through the crystal structure. They are usually located near the center of the crystal, and the most prized varieties seem to end at the tip of the crystal.
Their appearance is a natural occurrence that has come from a fluid or gas filled, interconnected chamber. At times you may only see one thread (most helpful for astral travel), or they may appear to be like a miniature Milky Way type of formation. I have found that ones with numerous threads seem to connect with another person more readily and at many, many levels.
Quartz can occur almost anywhere. Veins formed in high temperatures are usually coarsely crystalized. When formed in low temperature veins, in geodes and sedimentary rocks, we enjoy the finer grained varieties. Clear quartz veins have been guides to miners to find gold in many regions for many years.
Clear Quartz can be carried or worn anywhere. When used in conjunction with other stones and gems, it will amplify their effects and attune the treatment to the energy of the individual.
Faden Quartz encourages clarity and improves perception and understanding. It strengthens your conviction and encourages development that is appropriate to your own inner nature.
Faden Quartz can sometimes take a bit of an adjustment to getting used to its new energies, and it can be a slow process. If you have a particularly energetic crystal it might be too large a 'blast' at once, so just ease it into use slowly over time.
A Faden Quartz is helpful in promoting stability at the mental, physical and emotional levels. It seems to align energy meridians which provides a healthy self centering. When placed in a busy room, they have much the same effect as Rose Quartz in providing a calming or stabilizing effect.
I have used a Faden Quartz on several athletes suffering from inflexibility after sports injuries with good success. It seems to stimulate healing at a deep level and dramatically increased the rate of recovery. In those cases I found that crystals with numerous threads seemed more powerful in providing healing than those with only one or two 'threads.'
Zodiac Affinity...
Clear Quartz has a special affinity with Sagittarius, but benefits all signs. It helps to tune in to your own energy and filter out distractions so it is a good stone for almost any profession. Its Energy is Projective and Receptive, its Planets are the Sun and Moon, and its Elements are Fire and Water.
Faden Quartz, much like a Herkimer Diamond can assist in attuning yourself to another person. It can aid in making that connection and keeping it connected on all planes and dimensions. An important note though, this needs to be a mutually agreed action, not one-sided (as in wishing for this connection with another).
When used to explore parallel dimensions they seem to offer an easier doorway to them and provide accurate memories of what was discovered. This is very helpful if you are experimenting with past-life ascension since they seem to allow figuring out what could have been learned and applying that knowledge as a current life lesson, thereby progressing.