What is Lammas / Lughnasadh?
The word ‘Lammas’ is derived from ‘loaf mass’ and is indicative of how central and honored is the first grain and the first loaf of the harvesting cycle. It is also the great festival of Lugh, or Lug, the great Celtic Sun King and God of Light. August is His sacred month and is when He initiated great festivities in honor of His mother, Tailtiu. Feasting, market fairs, games and bonfire celebrations were the order of the day. Circle dancing, reflecting the movement of the sun in sympathetic magic, was popular, as were all community gatherings.
August was also considered the 2nd most auspicious month for handfastings and weddings. Underlying all this is the knowledge that the bounty and energy of Lugh is now beginning to wane. It is a time of change and shift. Active growth is slowing down and the darker days of winter and reflection are beckoning.
Dinner bread blessing: ”From the fields and through the stones, into the fire, Lammas Bread is made. As the Wheel turns may all be fed. Goddess Bless.”
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