Lapis Lazuli Mini Eggs


Lapis Lazuli Mini Eggs. Carved stone eggs containing Pyrite (what those lovely golden flecks are). These are beautiful pieces with a nice, deep blue coloring.

Online Special Selection – free in store pickup available.

Size: about 1 inch. Like a robin’s egg.

5th or Throat Chakra
Sanscrit: Vishudda
6th, Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra
Sanscrit: Anja

Lapis Lazuli cleanses the mental body. Promotes deep healing to outdated thoughts and mental patterns. Prevents negative thoughts from becoming karmic patterns and releases worn out karmic patterns for healing. Changes negative views to positive outlooks and reprograms the mental body to facilitate healing.

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Lapis Lazuli Mini Eggs

Lapis Lazuli helps us face the truths we may be confronted with and to accept them. But at the same time it still allows us to express our own opinion. It cleanses the mental body. Promotes deep healing to outdated thoughts and mental patterns. Prevents negative thoughts from becoming karmic patterns and releases worn out karmic patterns for healing. Changes negative views to positive outlooks and reprograms the mental body to facilitate healing.

Lapis Lazuli has a cubic crystal system and is in the mineral class of lattice silicate. It is formed during the metamorphosis of chalk into marble. When iron is also present, gold colored pyrite inclusions occur. Scientifically a true stone in its molecular structure as opposed to a crystalline mineral growth. There may be white streaks, clouds or gold flecks of pyrite.