Lavender Cone Incense


Lavender offers a fresh aroma that is a must for relaxing and calming. The soothing aroma is a soft and mild flower fragrance.

Hand Dipped 10 Cone Incense package.

Our incense is made of high-grade essential oils from around the world and carefully blended to produce, what we believe, is the finest line of incense made right here in the USA. This product is cruelty-free, and is made in an environmentally sensitive manner.

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Lavender offers a fresh aroma that is a must for relaxing and calming. The soothing aroma is a soft and mild flower fragrance.

Hand Dipped 10 Cone Incense package.

Our incense is made of high-grade essential oils from around the world and carefully blended to produce, what we believe, is the finest line of incense made right here in the USA. This product is cruelty-free, and is made in an environmentally sensitive manner.