Quartz – Rutilated Tumbled Stones


Quartz – Rutilated tumbled stones. All natural. Ready to set out, wrap or just carry in your pocket. I have hand selected all of these for their wonderful inclusions.

Size: varies. At least 1/2″ and larger. Some have a bit of a smokey quartz coloring.

2nd or Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanscrit: Swadhisthana

Rutilated Quartz expands the transmission of light and information entering the aura body, clears and expands the hara and kundalini channels and chakras. Magnifies all positive energy entering the aura and dispells all negative energy and energy blockages. Speeds opening or releasing and intensifies that process.

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SKU: TUMB-RutileQuartz Category: Tags: ,


Quartz – Rutilated Tumbled Stones

Rutilated Quartz has a trigonal/tetragonal crystal system. It is in the mineral class of oxides, the Quartz family. Basically, it consists of needle-shaped rutile crystals that have been enclosed by the Quartz.

When tiny needles of silver or gold are found in quartz, they are another crystal form called rutile. The rutile needles can range from brown with copper red to the most familiar golden fibers. It is formed in a primary manner, magmatically in pegmatites or by a hydrothermal process in clefts.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in


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