The Full Promise Moon, Sep./Oct.

Full Promise Moon

The names corresponding to the 13 Lunar Year Full Moons are what I have come to call them. I give credit to all those before me for figuring out what seems to work and for passing it on to me. They can be called by many other names in respect to your particular path or tradition. (more moon information)

I have come to call this one the Promise Moon. This full moon requires use of the forethought skills that are needed in deciding what to keep and what to discard as we enter the dark uncertainty of the winter season to come. The name reflects the promise of renewal, regeneration and rebirth that awaits us on the other side of the “death” that is represented by winter.

Not all things that we dream up “grow corn.” I use this time of year to let some things pass back to the earth. Some I just keep planted but not necessarily cared for, things that may need more time before I decide what to do with them. I call it my garden of possibilities. Sometimes in letting things take a winters nap, it can sprout some new growth when the sun returns. And, sometimes, with the new light shining on it I decide it needs to go into the mulch pile. I guess age has shown me I don’t always need to jump onto an idea to make it expand. 

I find many ideas and visions come into my awareness during this time of year. In meditating to see a clear path into projects that might lay ahead for me, it always seem to provide a higher spiritual consciousness. I’ve also had some of my best break throughs Spiritually and Mentally (which have aided my artistic endeavors).

This month’s moon can also be called the Barley Moon, because it is the time to harvest and thresh the ripened barley. Sometimes it can be the Harvest Moon which is the full Moon which can occur in September –or- October (the one nearest the autumnal equinox) and is bright enough to allow finishing of all the harvest chores. In 2018, September 24th was a full moon so technically, it was the harvest moon as it came just 3 days after the fall equinox.

This is the month when the leaves are falling and game has been fattened from summer bounties. Now it is the time for hunting and laying in a store of provisions for the long winter ahead. October’s Moon is also known in North American Aboriginal traditions as the Hunters Moon, Travel Moon, and Dying Moon.


Black Obsidian, Green Tourmaline, or Aquamarine

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