Update October 14, 2024
Well this seems like a lifetime ago. So very many changes and surprises in my life in these past 4 years. I’m living it to the fullest and enjoying the blessings each new day brings. I wish the same for you!
UPDATE May 1, 2020:
Happy Beltane! The fairies have returned with lots of laughs and giggles! Good news for my locals- I am now able to offer curbside/contactless pickup for your orders! I’m also thrilled to be offering a new product I am carrying to help reduce plastic water bottle waste. Bhavana Bottles. They are beautiful, mindful and have a wonderful purpose! And, if you purchase one soon, I will include a free pack of tea from the all natural Apothecary teas I carry in my store (while supplies last). Last week I also received some Larvikite which I have been working with and getting to know. You will be able to read all about it in next weeks Gemstone News 😀
With all of us staying at home we truly ARE making a difference in saving lives.
Keep up the good work and stay safe & well!
Bright Blessings to All ~ Sue
UPDATE April 17, 2020:
First, I am still well and I hope you still are too! Our governor has extended our Stay Safe at Home order through May 26th. They are considering allowing non-essential businesses being able to offer curb side pickups. I will post on Facebook if that becomes an option for my local customers. Stay safe! Thank you’s to everyone still placing orders! I am so blessed to be able to hopefully make it through until I can reopen the store. ~Namaste
UPDATE April 4, 2020:
I am still well 😀 I hope you are too!
It looks like we will still stay in our time out until May 1st at this point, so no classes or visitors at the store yet. I am receiving shipments and continue sending out orders. THANK YOU for ordering! It is helping me make it through. I feel very blessed for your support through this time.
UPDATE March 25, 2020:
I am still well 😀 I hope you are too!
WI Gov. Evers has asked us to stay safe at home until April 24th. My retail store will remain closed until they deem it is safe to be open again.
I am still shipping! Thank you USPS for continuing to stay on the job! I am taking all proper sanitation precautions in packing orders – even washing my hands in-between orders just to be sure. I’d like to thank all those ordering off this site from the bottom of my heart!
I’ve been doing live sessions on Facebook each day at 3pm CST. Pop on over and join us! LINK While we stay apart, there are still ways to be together!
Hello Everyone!
First of all, I am fine and I hope you all are too!
I have wrestled with this decision for several days and could only come to one conclusion. This past week we took extra measures of hourly door knob wipes, Reiki table with no sheets being sanitized between clients and constant hand washing. And, I will admit, if someone coughed, it was unnerving.
They are now asking us all to #slowtheroll and #flattenthecurve. While I am healthy, I am also in the could possibly go extinct age range. My big concern is not so much for myself, but more so for those at a higher risk than I am. Symptoms don’t need to appear but a person can still actually transmit the virus. I would feel horrible spreading it to someone unknowingly and they suffer the worst of reactions to it. And, I know, someone would feel the same spreading it to me.
So, after weighing out pros and cons, I am electing to temporarliy close the shop to visitors for two weeks at this point. We will see where we are at after that and listen to what the CDC recommends. I have not been ordered to do so, but I’m letting common sense prevail. I am hoping classes will resume April 1st. I will be contacting those who have classes scheduled providing updates.
Online orders will NOT be effected. In fact, I would like to highly encourage it. Temporarily closing after one month was not in the new store business model. But, I’ll get through this like every other situation life has thrown me – mostly by keeping my wits and staying calm.

I will also be doing LIVE broadcasts on Facebook to stay in touch with everyone and show off goodies at the store but not yet up on the site. My little mascot Wolfie will be joining me for those. So, whether you are local or out of town, hop over to Facebook and like my page to get all the latest updates.
We will all get through this. It will be harder for some than others. Take care of who you can. Check on your people, check in on elderly neighbors, get enough rest, take extra D3, get some fresh air daily, don’t touch your face and wash your hands. It’s all new, we don’t know what to expect, and I understand the anxiousness that can cause. But, most importantly, try to not panic, breathe and stay calm. Meditate, catch up on reading that stack of books, and those who are Reiki practitioners, blast that stuff out to the world!
So, let’s all do our part to #slowtheroll and #flattenthecurve!
Bright and healthy blessings to all,