I had no idea PINK would be sooooo in! I’m really glad Hollywood agrees with my thinking. hahahahahaha

4th, Heart Chakra, Color of green and/or pink, Sanskrit: Anahata
7th, Crown Chakra, Color of white and/or violet, Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Pink Kunzite can be stimulating to your crown chakra and your heart chakra. It is often associated with love because wearing or carrying it has the potential to enable you to feel selfless love. A selfless love for who you are and for those around you. It connects the link between what we feel in our heart and our spirituality.
Crystal System…
Pink Kunzite is in the monoclinic crystal system, and its crystals often take on a blade-like shape. It is a composite of lithium, aluminum and silicate, which naturally forms in large pieces. It is fairly common to find high-quality gems that weigh at least 20 karats.
The crystal structure displays distinct pleochroism (meaning it can appear to display two or three colors depending on the light source and orientation of the gem). More times than not though, Kunzite is a pale pinkish or lilac color.
Compared to other known gemstones, Kunzite is a fairly young one (discovery-wise). In 1902, a Tiffany and Co. mineralogist by the name of George Frederick Kunz first thoroughly described Kunzite. The gem was originally discovered in Connecticut, but the first large deposit was found in the San Diego area of California. It has also been found n in Brazil and Madagascar.
Kunzite determined this gemstone was an existing crystal family called spodumene, but the unique pinkish to purple color had been previously unrecognized, making Kunzite unique. The next year, in 1903, a chemistry professor named Kunzite in honor of Mr. Kunz.
Pink Kunzite is very beneficial being worn or carried. You may need to slowly ease yourself into this one’s energies which can be a bit intense if you are not used to working with high vibe stones.
Pink Kunzite helps in reconnecting the heart with the mind and emotions, removing any blockages in-between the two. It allows us to relearn how to search for answers from within our heart and then allow those answers to solve the issues in our mind bringing us into higher spiritual realms.
Pink Kunzite is very effective when clearing emotional blockages, especially those of the heart. If you have recently experienced a new separation, you can clear that trauma and make room for your inner peace, self-love, health, and harmony to shine.
Pink Kunzite inspires tolerance, willingness, and to being receptive to opportunities that come your way. And it does all this without letting us lose respect for our boundaries. It understands that while our boundaries are important, they also shouldn’t hem us in.
Pink Kunzite assists with all heart and circulatory matters. It is also a great stone to have on hand for those who are going through puberty. With its strong feminine vibes, it helps with symptoms of PMS and reduces reproductive centered problems. It has also been known to help ease migraines and for recovery from physical stress.
Zodiac Affinity…
Pink Kunzite, while beneficial to all signs, has special affinities with Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. Its Element is Water, Planet is Venus and its energy is Receptive.
Pink Kunzite, due to its fairly recent discovery, really has no folklore that I was able to find associated with this beautiful gem.
Click here to view all Pink Kunzite products.