6 Daily Questions To Take Action On!

6 things to ask yourself daily

6 Daily Questions To Take Action On as we are right now, across the world, on the same journey. Discovering our new normals, finding ways to cope being alone – or being together with our entire family, and we are all trying to figure this new way of living out. This list of six questions I found on a Facebook post has helped me and I’m passing it on in the hopes it helps you too. 

What am I grateful for today?

I am grateful I am NOT sick today. I am grateful my kids are not sick, close friends are doing ok, and from hearing back from my awesome customers that they are ok too! I am safe and cozy in my home, I have food in the fridge and am thankful that UPS delivered my dog Nova’s monthly bag of kibbles. The sun is shining today and it’s 50+ degrees here in Wisconsin in the first week of April! That I have the MOST AWESOME customers who are local AND far away! During this time of having the store closed, ordering from my site is keeping me afloat in this sea of uncertainty. THANK YOU!

Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?

I started doing this thing – I randomly select someone from my contacts daily and leave a recording of me singing “I just called to say I love you!” No expectation to call me back, I just want them to know I’m thinking of them. Check on elderly neighbors or those friends who you already know who isolated too much before this. Have a chat over the fence with your neighbor who has all her kids at home and just needs a ‘mom’ minute. I look at it as paying it forward. One day I might be down and that’s the day someone gives me a call back and checks on me. We need to, in our own ways, make sure our people are ok.

What expectations of normal am I letting go of today?

I think for most of us, the answer is – pretty much all of it. Like people all over the world, we are a mobile and active society. We love our hugs, we love to see our people, we enjoy our gatherings, concerts, and ball games. Most of our kids enjoy going to school. A lot of us love our jobs. And then, boom. It all stops and we are living in a new world.

Even though I could zip over to my store in my pajamas – cuz no one is out so who would see? – I comb my hair and get dressed every day. That’s a normal thing I’d do. In stead of her one walk a day, my dog is getting a morning and evening walk. Ok, normal and a new normal. As we progress in our time apart we will come up with more new normals. Another new one could be: “Ok, I’m dressed and it’s 10:30, who am I going to call and check on?”

How am I getting outside today?

Staying safe/sheltered at home does not mean we can’t go outside. Go sit in your yard for 20-30 minutes. In an apartment? Do you have a courtyard or a roof top to hang out at? Go for a walk – just stay 6 feet away from those you pass. Take a bike ride. One rainy day I took a car ride. I had a mixed reaction with that. While it was nice to feel mobile, it was sad to see my downtown with no humans and everything closed. I turned around and came back home.

How am I moving my body today?

Soooooo, three or four days deep into binge watching Netflix on tv you will start to ache or stiffin up a bit when trying to move around. Our bodies are made to move. There is also Yoga on Utube and Prime and the internet. There’s exercise shows. Divide that bag of sugar from making holiday cookies into two baggies for make shift weights and do arm or leg lifts. Or use canned goods. Or, look at the question above – go outside for a walk or bike ride 😀 

What beauty am I either creating, cultivating or inviting today?

First, there’s all those pins you’ve collected on Pinterest. You know, for when you imagined and dreamed of a time where you’d have a couple weeks to experiment with all those how to’s. Well, here we are 😀 Wishes have come true. We now have the time.

So, tackle that project. Turn that messy room that just collects stuff into your new sanctuary you’ve been promising yourself. Organize all those old family photos. Paint. Write that novel you’ve been thinking about. Bake some fancy bread or a 5 star meal. The process of creating provides personal power. Something we all need with so much seeming out of our control.

Be well, and stay home! And if nothing happens, and you don’t get sick, that was the point. It’s not that we are doing it for ourselves so much as we are caring for the most vulnerable. We can all take heart in knowing that we did something good that stopped us from unknowingly spreading it to someone who can’t fight it off. And that? That is priceless!

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