Septarian Tumbled Stones


Septarian Tumbled Stones. Each sphere shaped piece weighs between 1.9 to 2.2 ounces and average from 1-3/8 to 1-5/8 inches in size. These are LARGE!

1st, Root or Base Chakra
Sanscrit: Muladhara

Septarian promotes the ability for an earthplane focus. Aids in completing one thing at a time before moving on to something else. Helps with procrastination by grounding scattered or diffused energy. Assists in moving us forward on our life path in a focused direction with certainty. Calms, grounds and centers.

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Septarian Tumbled Stones

Septarians are a unique combination of Brown Aragonite which has a rhombic crystal system, Calcite that has a trigonal crystal system, some limestone, and some clear to white Barite. It was formed between 50 to 70 million years ago as a result of volcanic eruptions. The tumbled variety I carry has come from Madagascar.

Decomposing sea life that had been killed by volcanic eruptions was attracted to the sediment around them and formed mud balls. As the ocean receded, the balls were exposed to air and sun which caused them to dry and crack. They also shrank at the same time trapping the cracks inside. As decomposed Calcite from the shells was carried down into the cracks in the mud balls, Calcite crystals formed. This thin wall of Calcite then transformed into Aragonite separating the heavy clay exteriors from the Calcite centers.