These moons can be called by many other names in respect to your particular path or tradition. In this calendar (of sorts) that I am providing as a guide, the first full moon in the Lunar Year is the one that contains the time of the Winter Solstice and the start of my wheel of the year.
These are called by many as Esbats and should not be confused with Sabbats or other holy days, although they generally celebrate close to the same intentions. You can read what each moon means to me personally here in my blog.
Since the cycle of the moon differs from our monthly calendars, it is only 27 days, there are variations to where the moons shown below fall. And, occasionally, there are two full moons in the same month. In those cases the second one is what is called a Blue Moon.
DECEMBER: The Spiral Moon – A Time for Renewal
The beginning of my lunar year. It reflects the spiral path known to all spiritual journeyers. This moon will contain the Winter Solstice and will convey the energy of slow change, contemplative meditation and preparation for the re-birth of light as the days begin to lengthen after the Solstice. The Holly King regains his throne from the Oak King (who regains his power at the summer solstice). Read more on the Spiral Full Moon…
Stones: Tree Agate, Moonstone, or Green Aventurine
JANUARY: The Silent Moon – A Time for Protection
This moon is a reference to the break in the stillness of winter that is indicative of a gathering of energy. Like the silence before the storm, the Silent Moon offers an opportunity to cleanse past regret so that we may shift our attentions to future growth. Read more on the Silent Full Moon…
Stones: Green Jasper, Lepidolite, Tourmaline in Quartz, or Watermelon Tourmaline
FEBRUARY: The Candle Moon – A Time for Divination
This name refers to the light of the candles which (in many traditions) serve as a representation of the celebrations of Imbolc, Candlemas, The Festival of Lights, and Brigantia, to name but a few. It is celebrated on or around February 2nd to encourage the return of the sun and with it, the renewal of hope. Read more on the Candle Full Moon…
Stones: Amethyst, Quartz or Smokey Quartz
MARCH: The Maiden Moon – A Time for Awakening
This is a time for growth and energy breaking through the veil of illusion. The name is an indication and a homage to the many maidens of springtime honored in this season, from Persephone, to Aphrodite, to Eostara, (from which the name Easter is derived), this moon hails them all. Read more on the Maiden Full Moon…
Stones: Aquamarine, Bloodstone, or Emerald
APRIL: The Seed Moon – A Time for Growth
This name indicates the season most appropriate for planting the seeds for what you hope will flourish in the coming season of growth and fertility. Read more on the Seed Full Moon…
Stones: Garnet, Aquamarine, Emerald, Tree Agate
MAY: The Honey Moon – A Time for Love
In pagan lore the Summer Prince and the Maiden of the Moon meet, and find delight in each others company. And so, this is known as the Honey Moon. In many cultures and beliefs this is seen as the time in the Wheel of the Year when the Goddess in her mature aspect of Queen of the May is coupled with the God in his mature aspect of Summer King. Together they reign over the peaceful season of growth and abundance. Read more on the Honey Full Moon…
Stones: Emerald, Moonstone, Rhodochrosite, or Rose Quartz
JUNE-JULY: The Blessing Moon – A Time for Magick
A time to celebrate the blessings of the sacred marriages of earth and sky, or dark and light, or the King and Queen of summer. The Summer Solstice is celebrated on June 21st (longest day of the year). The Oak King regains his throne from the Holly King (who regains his power at the winter solstice).
Stones: Moonstone, Sapphire, Alexandrite, or Green Fluorite
JULY-AUGUST: The Mystery Moon – A Sacred Time
The seasonal start where things transition from life and growth to decline and death. Because the world is renewed each spring with a return of life out of the apparent death of winter, this moon calls to mind the mystery of the endless renewal that transcends even death. Read more on the Mystery Full Moon…
Stones: Ruby, Pearl, Moonstone, or Botswana Agate
AUGUST: The Harvest Moon – A Time for Gathering
The harvest time in both our physical gardens and in our personal perspectives. This is represented in both the physical harvests of energy that was expended in growth and spiritual harvests of the insights and in the meditations which will sustain both the body and the spirit during the coming winter months. Read more on the Mystery Full Moon…
Stones: Peridot, Sardonyx, Carnelian, or Fire Agate
SEPTEMBER: The Singing Moon – A Time for Exhilaration
After the seasonal harvests are completed, a time comes for acceptance, mellowing, and rest after our labors. It was named for the festive attitude known to every person who has worked to complete what was necessary for the survival of their community and who can now celebrate the completion of those labors.
Stones: Sapphire, Peridot, Olivine, Chrysolite, Quartz, or Tiger Iron
SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER: The Promise Moon – A Time for Prophecy
This moon requires use of the forethought and far-seeing skills that are necessary in deciding what to keep and what to discard as we enter the dark uncertainty of the season to come. The name reflects the promise of renewal, regeneration and rebirth that awaits us on the other side of the “death” represented by winter. Read more on the Promise Full Moon…
Stones: Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, or Aquamarine
OCTOBER: The Blood Moon – A Time for Sacrifice
The time of hard frosts and final harvests for many of us, a time of letting go and clearing away. This when, through inner cleansing, we make way for the justice of karma and a time for seeking shelter in friendship and community. We reflect on the final harvest of livestock and the ultimate sacrifice of the harvest King as he leaves the world above for the mysterious transformation to be found in the underworld.
Stones: Amazonite, Larimar, or Turquoise
NOVEMBER: The Spirit Moon – A Time for Power
Coming to the end, and to the beginning. Our return to the spiral path on the endless journey of renewal and rebirth embarked upon by all earth spirits seeking to find their way through life. Read more on the Spirit Full Moon…
Stones: Rutilated Quartz, Garnet, or Carnelian